This article offers six reasons why a law firm serving SMEs should develop a sustainability ‘strategy’.

First, let’s change ‘strategy’ to ‘program’.  You can strategize forever.  What you need is to actually execute a sustainability program for your company.  This ties to the 7th point, which we added, below.

Here are the six reasons the article gives, plus one from us at the end:

  • To keep ahead of upcoming sustainability and ESG legislation (and, we would add, carbon emissions and Scope 3 legislation….both for your clients and your firm)
  • To help recruitment and attract top talent (again, only if you execute a legitimate sustainability program)
  • To attract more clients and boost firm reputation (same point as above)
  • To increase profit (same point as above)
  • To create future opportunities (same point as above)
  • To reduce risk of fraud and ensure compliance (same point as above)
  • To actually have experience with the thing you are selling advice on

If you want to show clients you are ahead of the curve, and counsel them on the #1 issue in the world, you need to have hands-on experience with what you are giving advice on.  And, if you want to avoid the embarrassment of being called out for greenwashing, that program needs to be certified with a provider that uses 3rd party verification. 

If this sounds compelling, watch this master class and contact us.