In The News2022-05-29T19:42:09-04:00

Find and see the best corporate environmental sustainability news, posts and stories here, at Edenark Group’s “IN THE NEWS.” Let us know if you have environmental sustainability news you would like us to add.

As we start 2025, what is the #1 thing you, as an individual, can do, to help the environment?

Most people recognize the environmental problems we are facing.  This is not a complete list, but it is sobering, nonetheless:


  • CO2 emissions have increased 50% by 1990, accelerating global warming and impacting all life on Earth
  • 90% of us breathe polluted air, causing 7 million deaths a year
  • Almost all of us drink contaminated water, causing 5 million deaths a year
  • Our oceans are overfished, increasing in temperature and full of plastics and waste
  • Nearly 25% of animal species are at risk of extinction
  • Forests are being destroyed
  • We are not producing enough food


Most people say, “I would love to help, but what can I do?”


Let’s start the answer with this article about a rancher destroying the Amazon rain forest to raise cows for your hamburgers.  He takes the risk, and admits he is doing the damage, because our demand for meat is so great.


You probably know Processed Meat (any meat treated to improve favor or last longer, like deli meat or any meat in a package), is a Group 1 Carcinogen; in the same cancer-causing camp as asbestos, arsenic, mustard gas, neutron radiation, plutonium, cigarette smoking…

You probably know Red Meat is a Group 2 Carcinogen; in the same cancer-causing camp as formaldehyde, nitrate, silicon carbide…

You probably know that white meat and fish are expected to be added to the Group 2 list due to the impact of commercial meat factories…

You probably know that +90% of the meat you purchase at the store has fecal matter in it…

You probably know that animals are the middleman to you getting the protein you need…

You probably know the human body, from our teeth to our digestive tract, is built for plant digestion, not meat digestion…

You probably know meat harms your gut and biome and plants rebuilds it…

You probably know meat will increase your calories, cholesterol, risk of heart disease, risk of mental disease, risk of gastro-intestinal disease… 

You probably know that a plant-based diet will be less expensive and healthier.


But did you know, the biggest opportunity we have to address our environmental problems and global warming is….reduced meat production?


  • 18% of global greenhouse gas emissions and climate impact is from the production of meat. This is equal to the emissions from all the cars, trucks, planes and boats.
  • 75% of the world’s agricultural land is used for the production of meat (including the Amazon land destroyed in the above article)
  • 20% of global fresh water is used in the production of meat


So, the next time you get ready to take a bite of your expensive hamburger, remember:

  • It likely has fecal matter in it
  • Your body was not built to digest it
  • The protein is from plants
  • You will get fatter and die younger from it
  • It is the biggest opportunity we have to correct our environmental / climate problem
  • And, you have control over what you eat
January 14th, 2025|

Unlimited Auto Wash of Wellington, FL has renewed its Sustainability Certification through 2025

Unlimited Auto Wash of Wellington, FL, is part of the six-location Unlimited Auto Wash Club that serves South Florida.  Unlimited Auto Wash is a 100% Full Service Hand Car Wash with over 175 employees.  It cares deeply about the environment and the community it serves and has renewed its Edenark Group ISO 14001 environmental sustainability certification through 2025.

The Edenark Group ISO 14001 is the world’s premier environmental sustainability certification program and allows SMEs (small to mid-sized enterprises) the ability to attain the world’s most popular environmental certification standard via a program designed and priced specifically for them.  This allows an organization to validate, via 3rd party audit against the world’s top standard, its environmental / sustainability / green / eco-friendly actions.

The program, which allows companies to progressively improve at a pace that works for their needs, helps the organization define how it interacts internally, externally, and with the environment.  It incorporates energy/waste/water, employee health and performance enhancement, community involvement, procurement and suppliers, compliance and regulations, emergency/security, and stakeholder engagement.  Benefits include creating a culture of continual improvement, stakeholder engagement, lower costs, higher revenues and profits, improved employee performance, and…… doing the right thing for the environment for current and future generations.   

“We are the first, and only, environmentally certified sustainable car wash operation in Palm Beach County, Florida.   We do things the right way, raised the bar for our industry in 2024, and plan to keep the bar high in 2025,” says Kevin Dalton, CEO of Unlimited Auto Wash.  “The Edenark Group ISO 14001 sustainability certification program provides us the opportunity to show all our stakeholders – our customers, our employees, our vendors and our community – the kind of organization we are.” 

“Sustainability is not a one-and-done event.  It is a process of continual improvement.  Any organization that claims to be sustainable and does not have an annual certification via a globally recognized program with 3rd party verification is greenwashing; they are not willing to have their actions validated.  When an organization attains and renews the Edenark Group ISO 14001 sustainability certification, they are not just doing it to see their costs go down and revenues and profits go up; they are setting a higher bar for their organization and sending a signal to all those around them,” says David Goodman, CEO of Edenark Group.  “They agree to adhere to the world’s Gold standard for sustainability certification; are choosing to be a leader and part of the solution, not the problem; and are joining an elite fraternity of over 300,000 organizations, in over 150 countries, that have committed to continually improve in every way.”

Unlimited Auto Wash can be reached at +1 561-WASH-ME-2

Edenark Group can be reached at +1 561.512.2257   

January 13th, 2025|

As we start 2025, why not become a referral partner?

Due to studies, the #1 issue on the minds of people around the world is the environment (ie, we are using our resources faster than Mother Earth can replenish and we are accelerating our carbon-emissions-driven global warming).  The world we are passing to our children will be far hotter and angrier than the world we were given.  This is a bigger concern to the people of the planet than war, economy, politics, et cetera.

Turning this sentiment to the market place, consumers are more interested in a company’s ability to prove its sustainability commitment than they are in its brand names.  7 out of 10 of them will change brands if they find a certified sustainable company that offers a similar product.  They will even spend more for a certified sustainable product.

Driven by the above demand, certified sustainable companies are growing up to 20x faster than their non-certified peers – the market is rewarding companies that are able to prove they are sustainable (via certification/validation).

The Edenark Group ISO 14001 environmental sustainability certification program is the premier program of its kind in the world – You get to help the planet and differentiate and grow faster than your peers.

We have a 100% client renewal rate – every client we have ever certified has renewed, every year.

We get most of our new clients from referrals from existing clients.

However, we also get a good number of clients from referral partners who like what we do and introduce us to organizations they feel would benefit from our services.

This defines what we believe a sustainability program should contain. 

This master class explains why a company would want to do this.

We are looking for organizations that 1) care about the environment; 2) want to be part of the solution; and 3) want to be an example that other organizations can follow.

If you agree with our mission and our definition of what a sustainability program should be; and if you know some organizations that meet the above requirements; you might want to consider becoming a referral partner.

Send us a note and we can discuss.  

January 9th, 2025|

CO2 rising 10 times faster than any time in last 50,000 years

Per this article, CO2 emissions, largely driven by human activity, is rising 10 times faster than at any time in recorded history.

When a far less rapid growth happened 50,000 years ago it triggered an environmental chain reaction impacting oceans and climate.

For those saying “Fake News” or “This is just a cycle” or “It is not my job”, I wish you were right.

Buckle up!

January 8th, 2025|

Gym for the Brain Renews its Sustainability and Carbon Neutrality Certifications through 2025

Press Release


Gym for the Brain (, a Florida-based proactive body biohacking and contrast oxygen EWOT (exercise with oxygen therapy) facility, which also operates through the online store A Better World Starts With Me ( ) has renewed its sustainability certification and its carbon neutrality certification through 2025.

The Edenark Group ISO 14001 is the world’s premier environmental sustainability certification program and allows SMEs (small to mid-sized enterprises) a program designed and priced specifically for them.

The Edenark Group ISO 14065 / 14001 carbon neutrality certification is for organizations that have become certified sustainable and wish to become carbon neutral: the natural next step in their environmental stewardship journey.   This program allows a company, using its sustainability plan as a foundation, the ability to quantify, manage, reduce, and neutralize its carbon emissions.

The programs, which allow companies to progressively improve at a pace that works for their needs, help the organization define how it interacts internally, externally, and with the environment.  They incorporate energy/waste/water, employee health and performance enhancement, community involvement, procurement and suppliers, compliance and regulations, emergency/security, and stakeholder engagement; and quantify Scope 1 and 2 emissions.  Benefits include creating a culture of continual improvement, stakeholder engagement, lower costs, higher revenues and profits, improved employee performance, and…… doing the right thing for the environment and current and future generations.

“Gym for the Brain is doing wonderful work by helping people remove toxins, reduce inflammation, increase body and brain strength, and improve health.  Sending those people back out into a toxic world is frustrating.  The Edenark Group ISO 14001 sustainability certification program and the Edenark Group ISO 14065 / 14001 carbon neutrality program combine to allow Gym for the Brain to not only help people while at the Gym, but also when they leave the Gym, by proactively participating in improving the environment via internal and external environmental sustainability and carbon reduction actions,” says David Goodman, CEO of Edenark Group.  “They are agreeing to adhere to the world’s Gold standard for sustainability and carbon neutrality certification; and are joining an elite fraternity of over 300,000 organizations, in over 150 countries, that have committed to continually improving in every way.”

Gym for the Brain ( ) can be reached at +1.561.408.6890

A Better World Starts With Me ( ) can be reached at

Edenark Group ( ) can be reached at +1 561.512.2257

January 7th, 2025|

Sustainability trends you need to watch in 2025

Per this article, these are the sustainability trends you should watch, and respond to, in 2025


  • Course-correcting sustainability strategies – Just saying you are sustainable does not cut it. Sustainability MUST be a tool to maximize value.  If so, it justifies its existence financially and extends its life for the betterment of the environment.


  • Scaling sustainable programs – We will see a lessening of many small projects and an increase in larger, company-wide programs that encompass the entire organization.


  • A paradigm shift in corporate reporting – The days of making bold environmental / climate / carbon / sustainable promises, with no supporting data, are over. New laws will expose unsupported claims to financial, market and legal risks.  Starting in 2024 and expanding in 2025, compliance will force you to support your answers with data that can be verified.


  • Sustainability continues to grow – While politics cause governmental pushback in some countries against ESG, sustainability continues to expand globally as many companies consider sustainability essential to their survival. Some companies are considering rebranding due to being exposed for greenwashing and others are choosing to adhere to global standards.


  • Impact investing – Family offices are spearheading a transformative shift from wealth preservation to impact investing in order to achieve long-term global benefit.


  • What else is being impacted? – We’ve always known there is a connection between environmental risks and social risks, such as food and water scarcity, mass migration and geopolitical impact. But until recently, we did not have the tools to capture the complexity of how these risks interrelate.  Now that we have the tools, we will be able to better understand, predict, prepare and address the broader risks that we are facing.


  • The merging of climate change and biodiversity agendas – Climate change cannot be solved without addressing biodiversity. The 2025 COP30 will be held in Brazil, home to 60% of the dwindling Amazon rain forest.  As we strive for net zero, we need to add nature-positive targets.


  • Green talent demand to outpace supply – There has never been a better time to pursue a career in sustainability. Supply will continue to lag demand, with a gap of 19% by 2030.  For those of you starting college, there are many other career choices that can offer the combination of demand, pay and fulfillment.


  • Talent development and sustainability converge – Companies recognize the need to align employee growth with sustainability goals. That will increase in 2025 as talent development and sustainability converge in order to help companies address global challenges.


  • Impact secondaries – A new breed of ‘impact secondaries’ that invest in Series A and B social enterprises is bringing liquidity to Impact Investing.  This new group is growing 85% YoY and reducing hold periods by 36%.  For impact founders, this gives them a middle path between maintaining their mission and providing returns for early investors.


  • Bringing the being into business – The evolution to collaborative, purpose-driven, resilient, organizations that foster the IDG approach (being, thinking, relating, collaborating, and acting) will continue; and will integrate the UN SDGs.


  • Corporations, social enterprises, and communities partner for sustainability – Complex challenges demand innovative approaches that combine all stakeholders working together toward a shared goal. The partnering of disparate groups happens when there is an emergency (ie, after a natural disaster); and that is what we are facing.


  • The political dimension of social entrepreneurship – The world has entered an era of persistent, overlapping crises. Organizations that address social problems are being forced to become involved in politics to drive policy.


  • Investment in climate change adaptation – As climate impacts intensify, companies are committing resources to predict financial risks associated with climate-related disasters, then adjusting operations accordingly.


  • Non-executive leadership in an uncertain world – Non-executive board directors that have sustainability experience will play a bigger role in decision-making.


  • Will AI be friend or foe? – In 2025 a key question will be: Will technology be a friend or foe in advancing our global sustainability agenda? We know AI brings the ability to automate complex reporting, improve data quality and produce insights.  But it also requires massive energy and water demands at a time when we are losing the global warming battle.  It also is expected to displace many vulnerable jobs, placing more of the world’s population into the ‘have not’s’ camp.  AI reminds us of a quote from Dr. Malcolm in Jurassic Park – “Your scientists were so preoccupied with whether they could, they didn’t stop to think if they should.”


Buckle up!

January 6th, 2025|

As you head into 2025, would you like to increase your prices by 10%?

Per this article, studies show that even in these inflationary times, consumers are willing to pay 10% more for sustainable products, BUT ONLY WHEN THEY TRUST THE ENVIRONMENTAL CLAIMS BEHIND THEM.

Consumers are catching on to companies that greenwash (exaggerate their environmental accomplishments).  Making the claim without being certified/verified will not generate the support and will also put your company at risk.

If you want to differentiate from your competitive peers and charge more for your product/service, become certified sustainable with 3rd party verification.

If done right, the financial benefit to your company will far exceed the cost of becoming certified sustainable.

If you want to differentiate and charge higher prices, watch this master class; then contact us.

December 31st, 2024|

Unlimited Auto Wash of West Palm Beach, FL has renewed its Sustainability Certification through 2025

Unlimited Auto Wash of West Palm Beach, FL, is part of the six-location Unlimited Auto Wash Club that serves South Florida.  Unlimited Auto Wash is a 100% Full Service Hand Car Wash with over 175 employees.  It cares deeply about the environment and the community it serves and has renewed its Edenark Group ISO 14001 environmental sustainability certification through 2025.

The Edenark Group ISO 14001 is the world’s premier environmental sustainability certification program and allows SMEs (small to mid-sized enterprises) the ability to attain the world’s most popular environmental certification standard via a program designed and priced specifically for them.  This allows an organization to validate, via 3rd party audit against the world’s top standard, its environmental / sustainability / green / eco-friendly actions.

The program, which allows companies to progressively improve at a pace that works for their needs, helps the organization define how it interacts internally, externally, and with the environment.  It incorporates energy/waste/water, employee health and performance enhancement, community involvement, procurement and suppliers, compliance and regulations, emergency/security, and stakeholder engagement.  Benefits include creating a culture of continual improvement, stakeholder engagement, lower costs, higher revenues and profits, improved employee performance, and…… doing the right thing for the environment for current and future generations.   

“We are the first, and only, environmentally certified sustainable car wash operation in Palm Beach County, Florida.   We do things the right way, raised the bar for our industry in 2024, and plan to keep the bar high in 2025,” says Kevin Dalton, CEO of Unlimited Auto Wash.  “The Edenark Group ISO 14001 sustainability certification program provides us the opportunity to show all our stakeholders – our customers, our employees, our vendors and our community – the kind of organization we are.” 

“Sustainability is not a one-and-done event.  It is a process of continual improvement.  Any organization that claims to be sustainable and does not have an annual certification via a globally recognized program with 3rd party verification is greenwashing; they are not willing to have their actions validated.  When an organization attains and renews the Edenark Group ISO 14001 sustainability certification, they are not just doing it to see their costs go down and revenues and profits go up; they are setting a higher bar for their organization and sending a signal to all those around them,” says David Goodman, CEO of Edenark Group.  “They agree to adhere to the world’s Gold standard for sustainability certification; are choosing to be a leader and part of the solution, not the problem; and are joining an elite fraternity of over 300,000 organizations, in over 150 countries, that have committed to continually improve in every way.”

Unlimited Auto Wash can be reached at +1 561-WASH-ME-2

Edenark Group can be reached at +1 561.512.2257   

December 30th, 2024|

What are your chances of cognitive decline?

For the 20 – 40% of us who have one or two copies of the APOE4 gene from one or both parents, our chance of having Alzheimer’s is up to 12x greater than those of us that do not have the APOE4 gene.

For the 78% of us who have antibodies from at least one form of COVID, our susceptibility to all forms of cognitive decline (brain fog, dementia, Alzheimer’s, et cetera) is materially enhanced.  Some studies have shown COVID produced reduced memory and executive functions in 100% of those studied.

For those of us who combine the above by having the APOE4 gene(s) while also carrying antibodies from COVID, the prospect of cognitive decline should not be ignored.

If you listen to the audio in this article, it will tell you to incorporate the below six components into a program to defend your mental acuity and defeat cognitive decline.

The 3 Big Things You Want:

  • Tools that increase your oxygen intake
  • Tools that reduce your inflammation
  • Tools that reduce your toxins

The 3 Additional Things You Want:

  • Tools that increase your neurotransmitters
  • Tools that enhance your neurotrophins
  • Tools that reduce your stress

The Gym for the Brain program provides all six of the above.

If you choose to fight cognitive decline, contact us at [email protected] or +1 561-408-6890.

December 25th, 2024|

Use Sustainability Certification to make a positive impact on your company’s bottom line, your employees, your community and the environment.

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