The world’s business community is trying to become ESG compliant.  Besides the internal challenges, organizations need their vendors and supply-chain suppliers to also be ESG compliant.

If you are a small to mid-sized organization, serving larger companies, this is a way to differentiate from your competitive peers.

The Edenark Group ISO 14001 sustainability certification program includes Edenark Group being a SEC-approved member, and 3rd Party Validator, of the world’s only securitized carbon offset market.

As such, our program satisfies UNFCCC/ISO/COP25/26.

This allows us to help your organization become:

  • Certified sustainable under the world’s largest and most prestigious sustainability program
  • Carbon neutral under the world’s only securitized carbon offset program
  • ESG compliant under UNFCCC/ISO/COP25/26

Besides doing the right thing for the environment and providing competitive differentiation and revenue-enhancement for your company; this provides a statement to the world of your organization’s decision to lead from the front.