Family-run businesses are well on their way to leading the global effort to achieve full ESG planning, reporting and execution.

Per this article and study, 62% of the companies interviewed globally (and 85% of those interviewed in the US) are already contributing to the ‘S’ by investing in their local community.

Approximately half (45%) of these family-run businesses also believe they can take a leadership role in leading the way in sustainable business practices, positively impacting the ‘E’ in ESG if they follow a globally-accepted sustainability program that others can also follow.

However, only 23% have developed and communicated a complete strategy.

Net, the article explains the desire is there.

All these family-run businesses need is a template and guidance on how to develop an overall strategy around their ESG goals.

The Edenark Group ISO 14001 sustainability certification / carbon neutral / ESG planning program provides that template and guidance.