9 out of 10 consumers want your business to be environmentally certified sustainable.
7 out of 10 will shift their purchases and loyalty if they find a certified sustainable company.
That’s +$2 Trillion in low hanging fruit for those that want to take market share. Is there anything your company is currently spending money on that 7 out of 10 of your competitor’s clients will move to you for?
Per Google, searches for certified sustainable companies are up 800%. So, they are looking.
They are finding them too – +25% of consumers have already moved loyalty to certified sustainable companies, 20 – 43% is currently in play; and because of this, certified sustainable companies are growing 75% – 20x faster than their non-certified peers.
Over +300,000 companies across the world have chosen to do the right thing for the environment and to be seen by the marketplace as a leader.
If this might be of interest, watch this master class then contact us.
You will be doing the right thing….and good things will happen!