Privately-held companies selling to publicly held companies – take note.

As reported in this article, on June 16, 2021 the US House of Representatives passed legislation that will impose new ESG due diligence and disclosure requirements on publicly traded companies.

HR 1187 – the ESG Disclosure Simplification Act of 2021 – would require publicly traded companies to disclose their commitment to ensuring that environmental, social (human rights), and good governance standards (ie, ESG) are reflected in their operations, activities and supply chains.

The key for privately held companies is “…activities and supply chains.”

If you are selling products/services to publicly held companies, you should expect they will require you to also have an ESG program.

Edenark Group offers the world’s premier environmental sustainability certification / carbon neutral / ESG planning program for SMEs (small to mid-sized enterprises that have less than 500 employees).