We are often asked, “What are some of the things you help clients do, to become certified under the Edenark Group ISO 14001 program?”

Item #49 from the Edenark Group Green Team Guide is CO2-absorbing paint, allowing you to Paint Your Way to Reduced Office Staff Health Problems!

With very little difference in price versus traditional paint, why not paint your walls with our air purifying and CO2-absorbing paint that reduces up to 95% of indoor air pollutants?

  • Non toxic
  • CO2 reducing
  • Zero VOC (volatile organic compounds)
  • Absorbs VOCs
  • Eliminates odors
  • Greenwise-certified
  • Helps you pursue the Edenark Group ISO 14001 certification, inclusive of carbon neutrality
  • Quick-drying, with no nasty paint-job smell (ie, minimum down time)

Knowing that newly painted walls lift the mood and energize your team, why not go with paint that also improves health of your team and the planet?

Edenark Group is a distributor of Smog Armor paint products and we recommend these products to our clients as part of their sustainability certification, carbon neutral and ESG program, as they help you achieve your goals.

It is an easy, fun, smart and safe way to improve a work environment’s visual, emotional, environmental and human-health appeal.