In everything we do, that first step is hard!

This article does a great job of explaining corporate sustainability and the fact that it is faaaaaaaar broader than simply being green.  The article talks about the definition of sustainability and talks about the different industry phrases, such as ESG (ie Environment, Social and Governance) and SDGs (ie, the 17 United Nations Sustainability Development Goals).

However, the article exposes one of the problems with corporate sustainability and, sustainability in general – the quantity of things you can focus on.  In point of fact, many organizations choose not to start due to feeling overwhelmed.

To that end, a key message in the above article is – “…companies don’t always need to start anew, but can build and improve what they already have in place.”  In other words, you are probably already doing much of what you need to do and if matched with the right sustainability program, your normal reporting structure will probably serve you well in gaining the benefits of being a certified sustainable company.  Don’t over-think it or try to do too much.  Start small.

Another point in the article is – If you decide you want to pursue sustainability, where do you start?

We tell all organizations to start with a review of what to look for in a sustainability program and we use this master class to give 8 things to look for.

Find one that will address those 8 things and allow you to start from where you are.

Then……take that first step!

You will be happy you did.