This article, titled “Why sustainability is crucial for corporate strategy” is directed to you, as manager of your company.

Most of us run our businesses with our heads down, thinking, “That (fill in the product/service) idea might be fine for some other companies, but we are (fill in the blank – not ready for it, not big enough, not able to afford it, not staffed for it, not able to benefit from it).”


  • 90% of your peers believe sustainability is important.

– How many things in this divided world do 9 out of 10 people believe in?


  • 85% of the investors who might invest in you, want you to be certified sustainable.

– If you want an equity investor, or someday hope to sell, being certified sustainable will help.


  • 91% of the banks that you may seek a loan from will look at sustainability.

– If you want a lower interest rate, being certified sustainable will help.


  • 73% of Gen-Z consumers (the largest buying group / 26% of global population) will pay more for a product from a sustainable company.

– Your margin will be fatter.


  • Government regulations are increasing demand for you to be sustainable.

– If you want a good relationship with regulatory bodies, being certified sustainable will help.


  • 51% of future workers will take less money to work for a certified sustainable company. You will be able to hire better talent, they will be happier and they will stay longer.

– So, your cost of labor will be lower if you are certified sustainable.


  • +22% employee productivity if you are a certified sustainable company.

– Think about the impact of that on your bottom line.


  • +60% increase in operating profits if you become certified sustainable.

– This is why we work, right?


If you still think it would be too hard for your company, consider this – we have clients as small as 1 full time employee.  If they can do it, you can do it.

This PPP lists the 8 things you should consider in a sustainability program for your company.  If you follow this, you will be happy.