5AM Global, LLC, d/b/a BREATHE!™ ( https://www.5AMGlobal.com/ ), a Nevada-based, strategic marketing and business management firm, which is producing the May 3-5, 2023 BREATHE!™ Convention, a WBCDMN (Web3, Blockchain, Crypto, Defi, Metaverse and NFT) convention that is committed to connecting the Web3 Universe, has decided to pursue the Edenark Group ISO 14001 environmental sustainability certification program.

The Edenark Group ISO 14001 is the world’s premier environmental sustainability certification program and allows SMEs (small to mid-sized enterprises) the ability to attain the world’s most popular environmental certification standard via a program designed and priced specifically for them. Edenark Group also helps clients pursue carbon neutrality and ESG compliance, using the Edenark Group ISO 14001 as a foundation for long-term compliance.

The program, which allows companies to progressively improve at a pace that works for their needs, helps the organization define how it interacts internally, externally, and with the environment.  It incorporates energy/waste/water, employee health and performance enhancement, community involvement, procurement and suppliers, compliance and regulations, emergency/security, and stakeholder engagement.  Benefits include creating a culture of continual improvement, stakeholder engagement, lower costs, higher revenues and profits, improved employee performance, and…… doing the right thing for the environment.

Shawn Willis, Founder & CEO of 5AM Global/BREATHE! Convention states “When I first read this quote: ‘The true meaning of life is to plant trees, under whose shade you do not expect to sit,‘ I immediately understood that whether personal or business, we all must understand the importance of making an impact. One way to do this in business is to lead with sustainable practices that help our environment, society, and economy. The company culture and processes of 5AM Global and its production of BREATHE! Convention are built around solutions to reduce waste, manage risk, personal and professional development, and philanthropy for our employees, clients, and strategic partners. The Edenark Group ISO 14001 Sustainability Certification will both help to hold us more accountable and help to inspire, motivate, and set a standard for other companies who aspire to take the same steps.”

“When an organization pursues, and attains, the Edenark Group ISO 14001 sustainability certification, they are not just doing it to see their costs go down and revenues and profits go up. They are setting a higher bar for their organization and sending a signal to all those around them,” says David Goodman, CEO of Edenark Group. “They are agreeing to adhere to the world’s gold standard for sustainability certification; are choosing to be a leader and part of the solution, not the problem; and are joining an elite fraternity of over 300,000 organizations, in over 150 countries, that have committed to continually improve in every way.”

5AM Global LLC d/b/a BREATHE!™ (https://www.5AMGlobal.com/ ) can be reached at +1 833.931.3128

Edenark Group (https://edenark.com ) can be reached at +1 561.512.2257
