Due to global warming:

  • 50% of all coral reefs have died in the past 30 years. It took +100,000 years for the barrier reefs to form.  
  • We are losing 1.2 trillion tons of polar ice each year…and the loss rate is speeding up.
  • The 2022 Alaskan crab harvest was cancelled due to lack of crabs.

We could make the above list longer, but the point has been made. 

The question – What are you going to do about it?

That brings us to this article, including a CNN video, on ways to reduce our temperature via Solar Geoengineering

  • Spraying aerosol particles into the atmosphere to reflect sunlight
  • Seeding wispy clouds with aerosol particles so they trap less heat
  • Spraying sea salt into low clouds over the oceans to make them more reflective
  • Another idea, is to blow moon dust towards Earth to help shield us

Sound exciting?

Ready for the chain reaction of bad things that always happens when we try to dictate terms to Mother Nature?


Then, how about us taking this into our own hands and reducing the need for these solutions?  Less than 1% of small to mid-sized companies are certified sustainable.  How about your company leading the way and showing we don’t need to blow moon dust towards Earth or spray aerosol into our atmosphere?

Send us a note via this link.  We are happy to talk about helping your company be part of the solution…..and we won’t use moon dust.