97% of large companies have sustainability departments; but many have internally-constructed, non-global-standard-aligned, non-scalable, non-3rd-party-audited, sustainability programs.  Many of these programs were created to ‘look good’ but not designed to survive the stress test of external accountability.

SMEs have it worse.  Less than 1% of SMEs have sustainability programs of any kind.

As consumer/client (B2B and B2C) demand for sustainability grows, corporations see the financial opportunity and feel the pressure to say they are sustainable.  The more sustainability claims they make, the greater the risk of exaggeration (ie, Greenwashing).

This has caused a rise in the number of greenwashing watchdog agencies, with more staff, to investigate corporate sustainability claims. 

Consumers, also seeing companies greenwashing in response to their demands, are upping their expectations and demanding 3rd party validation and alignment with globally-recognized programs, to prove a company is doing what it claims. 

Governments, bringing teeth via fines, are creating new laws that require valid proof of sustainability compliance.

That leads us to the question – Is your company greenwashing?  

Per this article, odds are, the answer is ‘yes.’  A survey of 1500 executives in 16 countries around the world, were asked about their sustainability programs –

  • 85% reported clients/customers becoming more vocal about sustainability, causing these executives to greenwash in an attempt to capitalize on the demand.
  • 72% believe most of their sector peers are greenwashing.

Again, most sustainability programs that are not aligned with globally-respected standards, and 3rd party audited against those standards, are not ready for the external accountability that is now being expected.  If you feel your sustainability program is not equal to your sustainability claims, and you wish to correct the problem before you are exposed, watch this webinar and give us a call.