Overall Benefit from being Environmentally Certified Sustainable via a Globally-Respected Program


  1. You are doing the right thing for the planet
  2. Government compliance
  3. Satisfy client, consumer, employee, investor, lender, demand
  4. Lower costs
  5. Enhanced hiring and retention of top talent
  6. Certified sustainable companies are growing up to 20x faster than their non-certified peers


Unlocking the Potential for B2B Growth


In today’s business landscape, sustainability and carbon neutrality have become vital practices for large and listed organizations. It is no longer sufficient to merely register; businesses must now obtain legitimate sustainability certifications from third-party verified sources. As these requirements extend to supply chain vendors, becoming certified sustainable provides a major competitive advantage for small to mid-sized enterprises (SMEs).


Unlocking the Potential for B2C Growth


Numerous international studies have shown that sustainability is becoming increasingly important to consumers, particularly among Generation Y and Generation Z. 75% of these consumers prefer sustainability over brand or product name, whereas 70% of all consumers are willing to transfer loyalty and purchase from certified sustainable companies offering equivalent items.


The Prior Barrier for SMEs


SMEs sometimes find it difficult to obtain sustainability certifications due to cost, limited resources, knowledge gaps and programs not being designed for SMEs.


What makes the Edenark Group Program Financially Exciting for SMEs?


At Edenark Group, we understand the unique needs of SMEs and have developed a pragmatic sustainability program tailored specifically to their requirements. Our goal is to help these businesses stand out from their competitors, satisfy customer demands, and meet sustainability reporting standards without breaking the bank.

The Edenark Group ISO 14001 uniquely offers:


  1. Credibility – Our standard, the ISO 14001, is the largest and most respected in the world.
  2. Price – Our price, specifically designed for SMEs, is typically 50% – 80% less than lesser programs; and our payment schedule allows even 1-person SMEs the ability to afford the program.
  3. Time – Understanding that staff time is as important as cost for SMEs, Edenark Group has pre-designed application forms and does the majority of the application entry work for the SME.
  4. Promotional Support / Positive ROI – Edenark Group helps the SME promote its sustainability program and generates more revenue-driving promotional support for the SME than the cost of the certification.
  5. 4 Legs of the Stool – The Edenark Group platform allows, at the SME’s discretion, to seamlessly and cost/time-effectively add carbon neutrality certification, net zero certification and an ESG program.
  6. People – As the UN has stated, the future is sustainability+wellness. The Edenark Group program is already there, providing a people-piece that helps SME employees become happier, healthier and more productive.  This is available to all clients, should they wish to add it.
  7. Success – The Edenark Group ISO 14001 program enjoys a 100% client renewal rate. Every year, every client has a decision to make and every year, every client has renewed.  That should say something about the value of the program.


Join the Edenark Group Global Family for a Profitable and Sustainable Future


Edenark Group is committed to helping SMEs maximize performance, returns, and market share while safeguarding the environment for future generations. Our expertise, top-rated certifications, tailored solutions, and proactive promotion strategies make us the ideal partner to guide your organization on its sustainability and carbon neutral journey.  Contact Edenark Group today to begin a profitable sustainability journey for your business.

