As all of us remember, and as this article states, not many years ago, producers of products would say, “Consumers don’t care about sustainability or deforestation – they just want cheap products.”

Then, three years ago, the climate crisis and environmental issues caught more of our attention as we were all feeling vulnerable (ie, COVID).

As of the time of this article, which was two years ago, a study showed a 71% increase in online searches for sustainable goods globally and 66% of all respondents and 75% of millennials considered sustainability when making a purchase.

As recently as a year ago, studies which we have shown, put the percentage considering sustainability up to 88%, those willing to change brands specifically for sustainability at 70%, and 25% of consumers having already changed brands due to sustainability. 

This year, we are seeing the wave of consumer demand drive governments to put teeth into their sustainability and carbon policies.

To those of you who see how fast things are evolving, contact us.  We are happy to help you be part of the future.

To those who say, “Consumers still want cheap product”, we say, “Yep, they sure do; but made by a certified sustainable company.”