This article attempts to talk about why manufacturers must embrace sustainability, however below is more to the point.

Said simply, for a manufacturer to remain in business, and grow, it must

  • Become more efficient / reduce costs – companies that are certified under our program MUST become more efficient.
  • Become more attractive to B2B prospects – 97% of larger companies have sustainability programs and, via same, are mandated to use sustainable vendors when available (assuming quality and price are comparable). Net, becoming certified sustainable will make your offering more attractive to a large group of prospects you are currently not selling to.
  • Become more attractive to B2C prospects – 70% of ALL consumers will leave their current brand and move to a product (assuming equal price and value) from a certified sustainable company. If your company wants to take market share, waving the “We are certified sustainable” flag is the highest ROI tool you have.
  • Reduce its cost of money – Be it debt or equity, manufacturers always need money to grow. Certified sustainable companies pay less for their funds.
  • Reduce its insurance cost – Certified sustainable companies are viewed as a lower risk, positively impacting insurance costs.
  • Be compliant – As we have reported, governments around the world are creating sustainability regulations. This is no longer an ‘if’’, it is a ‘when’.  The sooner a manufacturer is compliant, the sooner it can promote same to prospects.
  • Be able to hire and retain talent – Certified sustainable companies are able to hire and retain better talent, at a lower cost, than their non-certified peers.

As a manufacturer, there is nothing you can do that will have a higher ROI than to become environmentally certified sustainable.  This master class discusses the eight things you should look for in a program.  If appealing, contact us