Per this article, the sustainability rules in the CSRD, that we have been talking about for some time in our posts, are expected to impact small companies along with large companies. 

As the article states, at Cannes LIONS this year, there was a ‘responsibility hall’ that included sustainability initiatives, and each award asked for information on the ad entry’s sustainability.  This is putting more pressure on companies to exaggerate. 

The Green Claims Directive (GCD), a proposed new EU law, will impose penalties on companies making claims they cannot support.

The Directive on Empowering the Consumers for Green Transition is another such bill.

Simply put, we all know consumers want our businesses to be sustainable, governments are establishing sustainability laws and your B2B clients are in need of sustainable vendors. 

We also know sustainable businesses make more money. 

The pressure to show you are a sustainable business is only going to grow and the penalties for greenwashing will also grow.

The question – Do you ignore and let others lead; do you greenwash until caught; or become certified sustainable and take market share while also doing the right thing? 

Becoming certified sustainable does not have to be hard or expensive.  Watch this master class and contact us with questions.