We are often asked why the Edenark Group program has a ‘people piece’ – A Better World Starts With Me, Center For Brain Training, Gym For The Brain – and the answer includes the following:

  • Every organization in the world suffers from the impact of the Big 5 (insomnia, stress, anxiety, physical pain and mental acuity) on its people. The average loss from the Big 5 is 5% of your corporate GNP (ie, profit) per year, every year.  That’s a big number.  If we can help your team become happier, healthier and more productive, that number goes down and profit goes up.


  • For most companies, their biggest cost, risk, time-consumer and opportunity area, is their people. If an organization helps them become ‘greener’ but does not help their people become healthier, happier and more productive, are they really providing a complete sustainability service?  We do not believe a sustainability program is complete if it does not address the people.


  • People in pain are typically inwardly-focused and do not have the energy or interest to help others; while people that are happy and healthy are typically outwardly-focused, wanting to help others. If we can help people feel better, they will want to do more for others, and the planet.


  • Finally, as this article states, besides the physical impacts of global warming, we are seeing psychological impact (stress, anxiety, even death) from climate change. The hotter it gets, the more we stress about it, leading to mental and physical damage.  We believe mental illness will continue to increase as global warming increases.  As such, we repeat our first point – a sustainability program that does not have a people-piece is not a complete sustainability program.

If the above makes sense to you, review the organizations in the above links, watch this master class, and contact us.  The planet will be healthier and happier, your team will be healthier and happier, and your company will be financially better for it.