DCRBN is a next-gen accelerator helping build and scale web3 companies that prioritize delivering carbon-neutral solutions to real world problems.  DCRBN helps founders build, brand, and scale their innovations with resources encompassing market research, development, business development, growth hacking, design, fundraising and more. 

One of the services DCRBN provides is helping enterprise-level clients adopt and integrate blockchain infrastructure.  In order to better provide this service, the company has decided to pursue the Edenark Group ISO 14001 environmental sustainability certification.  As a direct vendor to those enterprise clients, DCRBN, once certified, will be able to help them address their Scope 3 supply chain sustainability requirements; and as DCRBN helps its portfolio companies also become certified, they will also become solutions for enterprise-level organizations desperate for legitimate (certified/verified) sustainable vendors.

A first step in this process is to receive and review the Edenark Group ISO 14001 Green Team Guide, which provides sustainability project ideas and guidance on how to create and run a fun green team that benefits team members and the company.

The Edenark Group ISO 14001 is the world’s premier environmental sustainability certification program and allows SMEs (small to mid-sized enterprises) the ability to attain the world’s most popular environmental certification standard via a program designed and priced specifically for them.  This allows an organization to validate its environmental / sustainability / green / eco-friendly actions.

The program, which allows companies to progressively improve at a pace that works for their needs, helps the organization define how it interacts internally, externally, and with the environment.  It incorporates energy/waste/water, employee health and performance enhancement, community involvement, procurement and suppliers, compliance and regulations, emergency/security, and stakeholder engagement.  Benefits include creating a culture of continual improvement, stakeholder engagement, lower costs, higher revenues and profits, improved employee performance, and…… doing the right thing for the environment and current and future generations.   

“The Green Team Guide provides practical, inexpensive, and easy-to-implement, suggestions for our sustainability program,” said Co-Founder, Cory Warfield.   “Further, as part of our service is serving as a guide to the companies that are in our accelerator program, the Green Team Guide will help us help our accelerator clients,” added Co-Founder, Majid Zafer. 

“Sustainability can be fun.  Our program is designed to get our clients to say, “Let’s do this again next year!  Our 100% client renewal rate suggests we are succeeding.  DCRBN will have fun forming its Green Team, will have fun doing its sustainability projects, and will have fun helping others to follow its lead,” said David Goodman, CEO of Edenark Group. 

DCRBN can be reached at  https://dcrbn.io/contact/ or +1 847.293.6760

Edenark Group can be reached at +1 561.512.2257     

