In October 2023, the Voluntary Carbon Market Disclosure Act (AB 1305) was signed into law in California.

The law is now in effect, having commenced 1/1/24.

Why does this matter to you?

Even if your business is not physically located in California, if you are making claims of ‘net zero’ or ‘carbon neutrality’ or ‘reduced GHG emissions’, in California, you need to disclose. 

Further, you need to disclose if your claims have been verified by a 3rd party.  (Soon, this will be mandatory.)

Taking it a step further, if you are a vendor to a company that meets the above and their claim is ‘net zero’, you can expect to become involved, as they will need to report on their Scope 3 (which included you, their vendor).

But California is less than 1% of the world’s land mass.  If you are not marketing in that market, why would you care?

Because the California law is consistent with existing/pending laws around the world.  Even if you are not marketing in CA, you will be facing carbon disclosure laws in your market.

If you would like to get ahead of this, watch this master class and contact us.