Recently, we posted these eight things you want in a sustainability program.

Years ago, our CEO worked in the HBA industry and was responsible for marketing fragrances, cosmetics and toiletries. 

Kristy Doolan interviewed our CEO for this article in Cosmetics Design Europe.

In the article, Kristy highlights the following points, which are consistent with statements we have also made in recent articles and posts –


  • Green claims are held under a microscope – Greenwashing is being pursued by regulatory agencies and consumers


  • Go Green or go home – If you are not able to prove you are a sustainable company, you are in trouble


  • Purchase influence – The majority of consumers are considering sustainability when making a purchase


  • Sustainability is growing in importance – As we posted recently, sustainability is already the #1 issue in the world….yet it continues to grow


  • Greenwashing is out – Following on the point above, they are going to investigate if you are certified via a reputable program and if not, the reaction is not going to be good for your brand


  • Reduction of carbon footprint is also important – Make sure your sustainability program includes the ability to also certify you for carbon neutrality


  • The 8 things you want in a sustainability program – Kristy then presents our list of 8 things you should look for in a sustainability program


If you feel Kristy makes a good point, watch this master class and contact us.