Edenark Group loves to share stories about its clients.   This is another good one; and it will help your business!


What if you could reduce shipping damage by up to 95%?


What if, in the process, you could replace single-use plastics with a sustainably sourced paper product?


And what if, by doing those two things, your shipping program becomes part of your marketing program while helping you achieve your sustainability goals and improve your bottom line?


With ExpandOS, 1+1 really does equal 3: Sustainability, reduced shipping damage, customer satisfaction.


The ExpandOS process begins with a proprietary manufacturing operation based near Columbus, Ohio.  The company takes 1,000-pound rolls of SFI-certified paper and punches and die cuts it into 35 lb bundles of paper. The bundles are then shipped to customers who use a patent-protected “Expander” to convert the flat paper to three-dimensional pyramids with serrated edges.


When dropped into a box, the pyramids interlock to hold fragile items in place.  At the same time, the pyramid shape protects the item by absorbing and dispersing shock and pressure.


A nationally known porcelain manufacturer recently converted its North American distribution centers from foam to ExpandOS and reduced its shipping damage to below 1%.  The results have been so outstanding that its e-commerce partners are re-certifying the company’s most fragile products for shipment through those channels.


Similarly, a prominent computer peripherals company has switched its entire distribution operation for refurbished and warranty products to an automated system using ExpandOS with bar code data for over 300 SKUs.  While reducing damage, the company was also able to eliminate over 80 pallet locations of custom plastic packaging material.  With the automation system that uses bar codes to control the Expanders, this company can bottom fill boxes precisely and then top and side fill around the item being protected.  The company estimates that it has extended the useful life of its distribution center by seven to eight years by reclaiming so many pallet locations, and it has reduced the labor required to package its products.


ExpandOS has similarly helped companies in the ceramics, glass, automotive, aerospace, lighting, and other industries.


As for cost, ExpandOS competes head-to-head with foam and bubble cushioning but prevails on protection, labor savings, and sustainability.  Even the ink used in the process is sustainably sourced soy ink, making ExpandOS biodegradable as well as recyclable and reusable.


To make things even better for you – addressing your sustainability and Scope 3 mandates – ExpandOS is under contract to become certified as a sustainable business under the Edenark Group ISO 14001 program.  This will help your downstream supply chain sustainability program, your Scope 3 compliance, and your upstream marketing effort to your clients!!


Change the math on your shipping equation with ExpandOS and meet your cost, marketing, labor, and sustainability goals all at once.


Like we said at the beginning – Edenark Group loves talking about its clients!