Due to carbon-emission-enhanced global warming, ocean temperatures are at an all-time recorded high.

This is causing our coral reefs, which have been in place for approximately 60 million years, to die.

  • We have already lost +50% over the last 40 years
  • It is forecast that by 2034 (10 years) the die-off of the balance will not be reversible

Besides coral reefs being pretty, why should you care?

  • We have already lost +50% of all marine life in the past 40 years
  • +25% of what is left is directly tied to the reefs; the balance is indirectly tied to the reefs
  • +70% of our oxygen is produced by ocean phytoplankton
  • Where the reefs go, the fish and phytoplankton go, and we follow

You can ignore or you can be part of the solution.

If you would like your company to be part of the solution, read this on what you want in a sustainability program, watch this master class, and contact us.