As we have reported, reducing meat consumption is the #1 thing you can do to help improve the environment and reduce global warming, pollution and food shortage.

As we have also reported, processed meat is a Group 1 carcinogen.  Processed red meats such as bacon, sausage, hot dogs and deli meats often contain higher levels of sodium, nitrates and saturated fat. Eating higher amounts of these meats has been strongly linked to the development of colon and other cancerstype 2 diabetes, and heart disease and stroke.

Now, let’s turn our attention to mental acuity.  If you would like to lower your chances of mental acuity (dementia, Alzheimer’s, brain fog, long covid, et cetera) problems, reduce your meat, especially your processed meat, intake.  The risk of dementia drops 20% when people replace meat with nuts and legumes.

If you know someone already suffering from mental acuity problems, try to get them into a facility like Gym For The Brain, that offers contrast oxygen plus other synergistic technologies.

Be smart before you lack the ability to be smart.