The EU is formalizing the process of its new rules on greenwashing.  The Council adopted the Green Claims Directive on 17 June 2024.

Key language is as follows:

  • Explicit environmental claims would need to be verified under certification schemes – before being made publicly available or displayed. More specifically, an independent third-party accredited conformity assessment body which is not engaged in any activity that may conflict with their judgement or integrity – would need to verify the claim.

Canada has a new law (C-59) which says the same thing.

Expect the rest of the world to follow this format as it is common sense.

If your company is making environmental, or eco, or green, or sustainable claims, or if you have them as part of a mark or logo, either become certified+verified, or risk being exposed for greenwashing.

If you want to get right with compliance, do good for the environment, and also get ahead of your competitors, read this on what you want in a sustainability program, watch this master class, and contact us.