First, by the end of this year, over 50% of the world’s economies will have government-written laws on mandatory sustainability reporting, with teeth (ie, with fines for non-compliance).  The EU and UK, among others, already have programs in place.  California just passed Bill 253 and the US SEC is expected to have its new rules finished in the next few weeks.  


Second, even without the above, every company that has made, or is going to make, a Net Zero pledge, MUST address its Scope 3 emissions……which means its vendors (mostly SMEs) must have a sustainability / carbon program to remain a vendor.


Third, 97% of all large companies have sustainability programs.  By internal mandate, they are required to use sustainability vendors. Does the Procurement Department ask?  No.  But if you are bidding a job and you tell them you are certified, if your product is equal in price/value, you will win that bid.


Fourth, 7 out of 10 consumers will move their purchases if they find a legitimate (ie, certified/verified) sustainable company offering the same thing.



Fifth, the #1 thing consumers are looking for, when checking out a new company is if it is sustainable.


Sixth, 25% of consumers (B2C and B2B) have already changed vendors due to sustainability and the next 25 – 43% is in play right now.  Somebody is going to win that business.



Because of the above, and some other benefits, certified sustainable companies are growing up to 20x faster than their peers.



There is nothing that will have a bigger impact on your desire to differentiate from your competitive peers and take market share, than to become environmentally certified sustainable.  



Oh, you are helping the planet and future generations too.



If this sounds interesting, watch this master class and contact us.