Charlene Nichols, the founder of Omniverse City, sought a unique approach to stand out in the market. With a strong belief in sustainability mixed with her desire to be a thought leader, she decided to make that commitment tangible. This led her to pursue the Edenark Group ISO14001 environmental sustainability certification.


Part of Edenark Group’s unique program includes PROMOTION of the certification. Omiverse City’s experience is an example of the immense value every client gains during the Edenark Group onboarding process; then, throughout the term of the relationship.


“It is hard for a SME to cost-effectively stand out from the clutter – finding something that resonates with consumers…having that topic not be a one-off….then being able to afford to deliver it.  This is why we provide the promotion side of our service”, said David Goodman, founder of Edenark Group. “The market wants to hear that your company is committed to sustainability and 7 out of 10 consumers will move their purchases if they find a certified sustainable company.  There is nothing as powerful in generating market interest and positive response as being able to say you are a certified sustainable company.”


Edenark Group commits to doing regular promotional executions for its clients throughout the term of the relationship, which can be years – an approach that sets it apart from others in the industry.


As an example, as soon as the contract was inked, Edenark Group developed and published a press release on Omiverse City’s desire to become a certified sustainable organization. .


The initial press release alone generated more promotional click-value for Omniverse City than the entire cost of the Edenark Group ISO 14001 certification.  Net, just off that first promotion, Omniverse City has a positive ROI…..before it is even certified.


Besides the advertising ROI, as a young company looking to stand out from the crowd, the Edenark Group promotion delivered on broad market impact, as it went out via Edenark Group’s extensive media reach, spanning platforms like LinkedIn, Google, Twitter/X, Facebook, Slack, Service Professional Network, Alignable, and the Edenark Group website, emails and more. 


Omniverse City is also able to directly use the release for its marketing purposes, giving it a story to build on.


As a result, brand exposure for Charlene and Omniverse City expanded significantly.


Here is the post and here is Charlene’s response.


Charlene’s experience is what Edenark Group delivers to all its clients and shows what can happen when it helps its clients promote their sustainability journey.


If you want to experience Doing the Right Thing and have it lead to a Good Thing, book a call with Edenark Group to begin your own success story.