You have to make decisions every day on where to spend money.


Per this article


97% of B2B corporate buyers say a vendor’s sustainability credentials (ie, validation/certification) and positioning are important in their buying decisions. 

  • You are saying, “That’s not what I am seeing from my clients.”
  • Think about it this way – +97% of large companies have a sustainability program, yet less than 1% of SMEs have a sustainability program. The procurement departments of those big companies know there is a 99% chance the bidders are not sustainable, so they don’t bring it up. 
  • But what happens when a single bidder becomes certified sustainable and promotes it?
  • Studies show, if their price/value is similar, they win the job.
  • Certified sustainable companies are growing up to 20x faster than their non-certified peers.
  • Net, from a ROI standpoint, there are not many things you can spend money on that will have a greater ROI than becoming certified sustainable.


87% of companies believe they will lose investors if they do not have a clear sustainability strategy.

  • Studies show you will raise more money and raise it faster, if you are a certified sustainable business.


84% of companies believe they will lose employees without a clear sustainability strategy.

  • Odds are, they are right, as 29% of employees say they plan to leave their employer due to not being satisfied with their environmental/social efforts.


If these points make you consider incorporating a sustainability plan, but you don’t know where to start, watch this master class, then contact us.