The best way for a company or building to attack de-carbonization is to to follow this path:
 – Become certified sustainable via a globally-recognized program that incorporates carbon neutrality as part of its process;
 – Ensure that your sustainability certification advisory company is also a carbon neutrality advisory company;
 – As part of your certification action-items, have your advisory define your carbon footprint;
 – Then, have your advisor recommend the proper mix of sustainability action items and carbon offsets to allow you to immediately become carbon neutral;
 – Over time, as you execute your sustainability certification program plan, you will gradually reduce your offset purchases, as you improve your operation.
This allows your company/building to be IMMEDIATELY carbon neutral, gaining the promotional benefits of same.
Then you can, via a sustainability certification program plan, gradually improve your operation, lowering your footprint, and purchase less offsets each year, until you need none.

Edenark Group can provide environmental sustainability certification, then carbon neutrality certification.  We can also help you with your ESG and Net Zero plans.

Net, if your organization wishes to be carbon neutral NOW, with a cost-effective plan to also be carbon neutral FOREVER, contact us.