Per this study of +1,000 small business leaders, having a sustainability expert on the board of directors is second only to having a financial expert…and ahead of expertise in sales, marketing, IT, operations, legal, ex cetera.


  • The first thing many of you will say is, “We don’t even have a formalized board of directors. We have a board of advisors.” 
  • Regardless of the form of your board, point is, having an expert on sustainability as part of that group is essential to your go-forward success due to market demand, opportunity and risk.


Edenark Group serves as sustainability advisor to every client it has; and sits on the client’s Green Team.  Given that the Edenark Group ISO 14001 program delivers a positive ROI, this is a very cost-effective way to have a sustainability expert advise the leadership of your organization. 

If you would like to talk with us about having a sustainability expert for your board of directors or board of advisors, send us a note via this form.