This Forbes article makes five sustainability forecasts for 2024 and we comment on each.


  1.  The market will transition from managerial to entrepreneurial sustainability


  • The author is correctly stating that for the past two years many organizations have been focused on building their internal reporting responses to the new regulatory requirements going into effect around the world.


  • But what about SMEs? The majority of SMEs have not given this any thought.  We believe 2024 will bring the impact of lack of action to many SMEs.


2)  From net zero to solutions agenda


  • The author is suggesting that individual companies cannot achieve net zero pledges without help from others.


  • We completely agree and have been beating the Scope 3 drum for some time. Tied to the above point about SMEs not being ready for their clients’ regulatory demands, we are going to see SMEs receive Scope 3 letters and learn that their clients are reviewing vendors based on the ability to satisfy net zero requirements.


3)  From purpose marketing to honest products


  • The author highlights that many companies have been called out for greenwashing, causing an immediate pull back (ie, greenhushing). Going forward, acting responsibly, respecting diversity and reducing environmental impact will not win medals.  It is table stakes.  Honesty and verified performance will be required.


  • We agree. The days of making claims without a legitimate 3rd party validation against a recognized program are gone.


4)  From social impact to justice


  • The author suggests we are moving into a period where the S in ESG will require tangible, verifiable, performance.


  • Again, we agree. Lip service on climate, gender, pay, race will have a harder time not being exposed.


5) From business case to personal case


  • The author suggests that to maintain support for sustainability within a company you need to make it personal. She states that people with green skills are offered 29% more money at hire than their peers with no green skills.


  • Again, we agree. We create a Green Team in every organization we certify.  Employees are allowed to participate on the Green Team and improve their green credentials.


Bottom line, the world is changing and companies need to change with it if they want to remain competitive.  If you want to learn more, watch this master class and contact us.