Per this article in Food & Beverage, small to medium sized businesses that fail to prioritize sustainability risk losing lucrative contracts from governments and large businesses that are vetting the green credentials (ie, legitimate claims) of their supply chain.

Further, SMEs that are slow to move on sustainability risk losing employees, customers and contracts to competitors who have been more proactive in proving they are legitimately (ie, certified) sustainable.  

“The combined pressure from consumers and investors and stricter regulations has changed business partnerships. Supply chain management is emerging as a key factor in the sustainable business movement, with larger entities changing the way they engage with suppliers and distributors…..those that start now will be well-placed to maintain existing contracts, tender for new ones and be ahead of the impending regulatory curve to manage new requirements that are likely to be placed on businesses in the future.”

If you are interested, read this on what you want in a sustainability program, watch this master class, and contact us.