We are transitioning to where sustainability is a baseline requirement for purchase.


Per this Harvard Business Review article, there are three things for you to consider


  • Trust drives behavior and ultimately business outcomes – Highly trusted companies outperform others by up to 400%


  • Sustainability promotes trust, particularly among younger generations – sustainability stands out as a critical driver of intent, especially in young people, who care about a brand’s positive intent


  • Younger generations will soon have most of the purchasing power – We are seeing this play out today, but it will progressively increase as Millennials and Gen Z will surpass Boomers in purchasing power by 2030


We are already seeing the impact, as certified sustainable businesses are dramatically outperforming their non-certified peers. 


As consumers become more demanding, as corporate mandates become more demanding and as government compliance becomes more demanding, expect sustainability to be even more important; becoming a baseline requirement for your business. 


Per the attached article, “Companies should prepare now.”  Those that are already certified are taking market share as you read this article.  


If interested in learning more, watch this master class and contact us.