The recent IPCC report on global warming brings the global business community nearer to the “Y” in the road regarding the choice between being part of the solution or remaining part of the problem.

Encompass Trading (PTY) Ltd, of Pretoria South Africa, has made the choice to be part of the solution.  The company has decided to pursue the Edenark Group ISO 14001 environmental sustainability certification.

Here is a quote from the below release –

“The Encompass Trading team has been excited about the program since we started discussing it.  But this past week, after seeing the new IPCC report on global warming, we felt even more committed to being part of the solution, rather than being a company that looks the other way.  Edenark Group met with us on zoom late last week and we discussed ideas for us to consider, to become more sustainable.  Some are operational and have no cost.  Most looked easy to administer and fun to execute.  We realize there are many things we can do, with little to no personal or organizational hardship that will have a positive impact on the environment.  We’re looking forward to having fun, doing good, and holding our heads high as an organization that is on the right side of tackling this problem,” said James Ojo, Director and CEO of Encompass Trading (PTY) Ltd.

The Edenark Group ISO 14001 is the world’s premier environmental sustainability certification program and allows SMEs (small to mid-sized enterprises) the ability to attain the world’s most popular environmental sustainability certification standard via a program designed and priced specifically for them.   Edenark Group also helps clients pursue carbon neutrality and ESG compliance, using the Edenark Group ISO 14001 as the foundation.

Here is the Encompass Trading (PTY) Ltd release – Release