Did your company beat 2023 Plan?

Have you clearly established competitive differentiation from your peers (other than price and margin)?

When you spend money on advertising, are you saying what your prospect wants to hear, or are you just part of the clutter?

Are you positioned to take advantage of Scope 3 mandates?

Are your investors happy with your 2024 competitive position and direction?


If you are not able to answer “Yes!” to all the above, and given

  • that sustainable companies outperform their non-sustainable peers (another study on same);
  • that studies show sustainability/climate is the #1 issue with people globally (ahead of economy, war, politics, et cetera), and, therefore, talking about it cuts through the advertising clutter;
  • that the majority of large companies have sustainability programs and mandates to use vendors who can prove they are sustainable;
  • that 7 out of 10 consumes will leave their current vendor in favor of a certified sustainable option;
  • that Scope 3 mandates will force companies to replace their existing vendors with vendors that can prove they are sustainable and have a climate program;
  • that government compliance will force even the laggards to comply at some point….


Might the beginning of 2024 be a good time to consider what to look for in a sustainability program and consider the value of same?