The quick answer – No!


Per this article, another company lost a court case in which it was unable to support its sustainability claims.

We all know climate concerns are the #1 thing on consumer’s minds.

We all know consumers want your business to show it is a Good Corporate Citizen by showing you are sustainable.

We all know that consumers are speaking with their wallets and moving their support to companies they can verify as sustainable.

We all know companies that can prove they are sustainable are making more money and growing faster than their non-sustainable peers.

The question – Do you ignore all of this and let your competitors take market share from you; or do you exaggerate your sustainability achievements in order to take advantage of consumer demand and risk getting caught; or do you do it right and get certified as sustainable?

If you ultimately decide to do it the right way, read this on what you want in a sustainability program, watch this master class, and contact us.