As we have repeatedly reported, the world’s governments are moving swiftly towards compliance programs for sustainability/climate.

The EU already has a program in place, as do some other governments.

In the United States, the SEC is expected to finalize its climate disclosure rules as early as October.  However, many US corporations are trying to get ahead of it and are using the EU program as a template for preparation. 

Per this article, 69% of leaders of big US corporations say they are ready for the new rules.

Is your company ready?  Are you in compliance? 

Remember our prior posts about Scope 3 – if you are a vendor, you are part of your client’s Scope 3 emissions program.  For them to pursue Net Zero or comply with new rules, they will need you, as one of their Scope 3 vendors, to be in lock step.  We are already assisting a number of our clients who have received notices from their clients on Scope 3 reporting.

You can either lead, and take market share; or follow, and lose market share.

Watch this master class and contact us if you would like more information.