Per this JLL article, soaring demand for sustainable / low carbon offices will outstrip supply.

– Green-certified buildings enjoy the following premiums

+7.1% in North America

+11.6% in London

+9.9% in Asia

So, the question – Is your building certified sustainable?

Answer – Probably not.

Reason – You have run the numbers and the cost of most building-certifications produce a negative ROI, even with the above increases in rent.

What if we told you that those building-centric certifications are energy-efficiency certifications, not sustainability certifications?  And, what if we told you there is a better way?


How many entities can be certified in a 100-tenant building via a building certification?

Answer: 1 (the building)

How many entities can be certified in a 100-tenant building via a business certification?

Answer – 101 (the building and every tenant)

Who pays for the building certification?

Answer – You

Who pays for the business certification?

The business (ie, your tenants)

What is more impactful for a business to say?

  • “I lease space in a certified energy efficient building” – nope
  • “My company is a certified sustainable business” – yep

What is going to motivate a tenant to renew?

  • Having a lease in your certified energy efficient building – nope
  • Having a certified sustainable business that was certified in the space in your building – yep

What is going to meet Scope 3 mandates and government regulations?

  • Leasing space in a certified energy efficient building – nope
  • Being a certified sustainable company – yep

What is the more respected and also the larger standard?

  • The building-centric energy-efficient program – nope
  • The business-centric sustainability program – yep

What is less expensive?

  • The building-centric energy-efficient program – nope
  • The business-centric sustainability program – yep

What delivers the greatest ROI to both landlord and tenant?

  • The building-centric energy-efficient program – nope
  • The business-centric sustainability program – yep


If you would like to learn more, watch this master class, then contact us.