Sustainability is not just about LED light bulbs and solar panels.

It is also about people – how we live, work and play….while leaving something for future generations.

Your employees are your company’s biggest asset.  Multiple studies show ALL companies around the world are losing roughly 5% of their profits (+/-$10,000 per full time employee per year adjusted by the currency of the country the company resides) to the Big 5 – Insomnia, Stress, Anxiety, Physical Pain and Mental Acuity.  That’s a sizable ‘unforced error’ that can be corrected.

Edenark Group is proud of the ‘people side’ of its sustainability program, which helps people become happier, healthier and more productive.

Our Gym For The Brain business is part of that.

Here is a discussion of some of the things that a person does at Gym For The Brain….and the benefits of same.

If you are not using these tools for your personal performance, health and happiness, take the time to investigate them.  You will be happy you did.