What is your company planning to do for World Environment Day, Wednesday, 5 June, 2024?


A few weeks ago, many companies around the world celebrated Earth Day, on 22 April, 2024.

CPL Group USA, which is an environmentally certified sustainable company and has been able to successfully respond/benefit from client Scope 3 letters, celebrated Earth Day by having staff participate in an Earth Day Scavenger Hunt outside their office building.  The purpose of the event was to stimulate environmental ideas that could be implemented inside the business.

Ideas that came out of the event, which have been incorporated into the CPL Group USA Sustainability Project Action Plan for 2024 include:

  • Shutting off the all the lights and electronics at the end of each day.
  • Some departments are able to turn their lights off in the afternoons, saving an additional 2+ hours.
  • Decreased brightness on all monitors.
  • Investigating the possibility of transitioning all soap to Castille Soap (no animal fat).
  • Investigating a compost for waste.
  • Investigating more home-based work days, to reduce travel.
  • Investigating no paper and transitioning to tablets.

The above are in addition to the work the team has already done, over the years, as part of being environmentally certified sustainable. 

The team had fun and their new ideas will help the environment AND lower company costs.

Your company could do a fun event for World Environment Day that mirrors the CPL Group USA Earth Day event.  It would be fun, help the environment and help your company’s bottom line.