Some people say all marketing and promotion is a form of deception.

Knowing consumers want to support environmentally sustainable companies, is it wrong for companies to misrepresent their environmental commitments?

If you ask the Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC) and the Australian Federal Court, the answer is yes – if you greenwash you will be pursued.

Current score – ASIC 1, Greenwashers 0

This article discusses the $11.3 million penalty that Mercer Superannuation (Australia) Limited has agreed to pay for greenwashing.

Simply stated, we all know consumers are demanding your company prove its environmental commitment.

Those consumers will move their business from you to a sustainable company.

You feel the pressure.

Do you do what Mercer did and risk being caught or do you do the right thing and get certified/verified?

If you want to be on the right side of the law, do good for the environment, and also get ahead of your competitors, read this on what you want in a sustainability program, watch this master class, and contact us.