This year, your company will lose roughly 5% of its profit due to the Big 5 – employee insomnia, stress, anxiety, physical pain and mental acuity.  
Even if you are a one-person micro-company, you are a human; and as a human, you suffer from the Big 5.
We are seeing more and more articles like this one, that connect the dots between sustainability and people.
We’ve been there for years and strongly believe a sustainability program is not a true sustainability program if it does not have a people piece that addresses the health, happiness and performance of the most important asset a company has – its people.
Of course, it also needs to have a globally recognized standard, 3rd party validation, revenue-side promotion, annual reviews, progressive improvement metrics, focus on business not building, and be at a price you can afford.
Having these eight components is a key part of a great program.
This master class discusses those eight things, starting with people.    
If your employees are happier and healthier, they are more productive, with fewer sick days, fewer mistakes and fewer terminations…..and you have a more enjoyable and productive workplace.
Further, when a person feels better, their focus turns outward, to help others.  We can’t help the planet or each other if we are struggling and in pain.  But if we feel good, then we are more likely to help those around us.
Here are the tools we use to help you accomplish this