Another day, another study.  The dates change, the authors change, but the message is always the same – 


  • Consumers are unified in their demand that your company prove it is sustainable and part of  the climate solution


  • And, they are rewarding those that are doing so


This new Harris Poll reports


  • 82% of U.S. consumers believe companies have a responsibility to offset their carbon emissions –

           Does your company have a carbon emissions program? 

           Are you prepared for your Scope 3 letter?

           Are you using this as an opportunity or ignoring it?


  • 79% believe corporations have an obligation to address climate change

           Does your company have a 3rd party audited climate change program to promote?


  • 73% of Americans believe you should talk about your sustainability efforts

            For those that are not certified/verified sustainable, this poses a problem


  • 71% of U.S. adults say they are more loyal to companies that take an active role in protecting the environment

             Where do you see this level of agreement on any topic?


  • 68% of the 18-34 age group will pay more for products from companies that have a strong stance on sustainability and climate change

               If you want to take market share, or protect margin, be able to prove you are sustainable


If you want to show consumers you are listening; be part of the solution rather than being part of the problem; and gain a new talking point that resonates, watch this master class and contact us.