We are honored to have TV360 in Nigeria present this segment, titled “Edenark Group Emphasizes Sustainability Certification as a Differentiation Tool in Business.”

The segment is focused on SMEs (small to mid-sized enterprises) and after explaining the value of being able to use sustainability certification as a competitive differentiation tool, discusses the eight things all businesses should look for in a sustainability program:

  • Enhanced Employee Performance / Health
  • Certify the business, not the box (ie, building)
  • Always use a program that includes a 3rd party audit
  • Use a global standard to maximize credibility
  • Use a program that includes promotion of your certification, to drive differentiation
  • Use a program that believes in continual improvement
  • Use a program that incorporates annual updates
  • Use a program that offers a price and payment program that is affordable

The Edenark Group program delivers on all eight of these items and has a Nigerian-based intern, introduced in this Edenark Group post, who would love to participate in the process of your company becoming certified sustainable.