This podcast, titled “Why sustainability is THE business opportunity”, covers a lot of ground and talks about:


Key Global Challenges to transition our world, all impacted by sustainability

  • Digitization
  • Globalization
  • Urbanization
  • Demographic Change
  • Climate Change
  • Business Model Innovation
  • Wellness/Health

Out of this, just on its own, Climate Change is a +$100 trillion opportunity over the next 25 years.  Wrap sustainability around it and the others, and you have where your company needs to be.


Why does becoming sustainable help a company?

  • Customer support
  • Higher employee engagement
  • Lower operating costs
  • Less waste
  • Lower money costs


Taking the last point (lower money costs) further

  • Lenders assess risk
  • Sustainability lowers risk
  • The cost of money to sustainable companies is, therefore, lower
  • Soon, it will be hard to borrow if you cannot prove you are sustainable


Being able to prove your company is sustainable (ie, being certified) will put you in the middle of the greatest opportunity of our time.