Per this article

  • Nearly 4% of SMEs measure carbon emissions
  • Almost 5% of SMEs measure their renewable energy use
  • 27% have sustainability leadership positions
  • And, almost 33% have social / environmental committees

Are these numbers lower than we want?  Of course.

But are these numbers much larger than they were a few years ago?  Absolutely!

When you think about the fact that there are millions of SMEs around the world; and a few years ago, all four of these would have been under 1%; we are definitely moving in the right direction.

Edenark Group serves as the sustainability department for a number of companies, we chair/advise social/environmental committees, and we help organizations measure their carbon emissions and renewable energy use.  We speak from experience when we say that SMEs are becoming aware of how important their role is and how much the market is expecting them to lead.

If you would like to talk with us about your company starting a sustainability program, contact us here.