As this article explains, the seismic changes to people’s lives wrought by COVID, the climate emergency and the cost-of-living crisis have all reshaped the demands employees are making on the companies they work for.

Per a 2020 study, 83% of workers believed their employer was doing too little to address climate change and 65% of workers are more likely to work for a company with strong environmental ethics. 

This data is consistent with other studies and if these studies are correct, and you are not a legitimate/certified sustainable company, how much will you need to pay in premium, to keep your employees from leaving you in favor of a certified sustainable company?  Further, while they stay with you, how motivated and passionate will they be about their work?

At the end of the day, you will lose the top performers, as they will be able to find work in companies that align with their environmental views and you will pay more than market to retain the balance of your employees.

Or, you can become environmentally certified sustainable, do something good for the planet, make more money, and be one of the companies winning top talent.

Contact us.  We are happy to help.