Per this article in FEI, CFOs are giving more attention to the Social component of ESG because:

As to investors:

  • There is a 71% increase, since 2018, in surveyed investors reporting the Social component of ESG as “important/critical” to their investment thesis.
  • There is an 88% increase, since 2019, in surveyed investors reporting Social as “very important” to their long term success.

As to retaining existing employees:

  • Roughly 50% of all employees say they will leave their current job if they can find a company that aligns with their environmental and social views.
  • Given the cost of replacing employees is roughly 6-9 months of that position’s pay, not including intangibles like team bonding and workflow, keeping existing employees happy is a key objective.

As to finding new employees:

  • Given that prospects want to work for companies that align with their views, having a robust ESG program helps a company attract top talent.
  • Incorporating both environmental and social components accomplishes this.

As to stimulating the employees you have:

  • Engaged employees contribute more significantly and companies that have robust ESG programs have more engaged employees.
  • Again, to accomplish this, incorporating both environmental and social aspects is key.

If you are a small to mid-sized enterprise, let Edenark Group help you develop your ESG program and get your S to be Super.