A year ago, in December 2022, Canada new electric car sales were 10% of total car sales.

Next year, the Canadian government will be allocating car sales against a 20% electric car target, double the December 2022 percentage. 

Then, by 2035, just 11 years from now, Canada plans to have eliminated fossil fuel new car sales – 100% electric cars.

Think of the ripple effect across the Canadian economic landscape, of this singular government action – everything from manufacturing to dealership layout to the design of ‘gas’ stations to your local mechanic.

Then, think of those businesses that were proactive and prepared for this; versus those businesses that have resisted the change.

Then think of your business. 

Is your company environmentally certified sustainable and promoting same to your prospects or are you waiting for all of this to blow over?

There are going to be winners and losers.  If you would like to improve your odds, watch this master class and contact us.