SMEs (small to mid-sized enterprises) account for at least 90% of all businesses on the planet and employ at least 67% of all of us.

If you are running a SME, per many prior posts from us, and per this article from the World Economic Forum, change is coming to your business, whether you like it or not.


  • Sustainability / ESG reporting standards and regulations are evolving fast


  • These regulations directly impact larger companies…..but require them to seek data from their suppliers and the suppliers to their suppliers (which include SMEs)


  • SMEs that fall behind risk losing valuable opportunities with big clients/prospects


  • SMEs that fall behind risk losing the availability of capital (debt and equity)


If you want to remain competitive but don’t want to be ‘killed by the cure’ take a few moments to read this PPP

If it makes sense, reach out to us here.