Congress a Step Closer to Making Corporate ESG Disclosure Mandatory

Privately-held companies selling to publicly held companies - take note. As reported in this article, on June 16, 2021 the US House of Representatives passed legislation that will impose new ESG due diligence and disclosure requirements on publicly traded companies. HR 1187 - the ESG Disclosure Simplification Act of 2021 - would require publicly traded [...]

2022-05-18T18:44:28-04:00May 20th, 2022|

SEC Brings First Major ESG Enforcement Action

90% of consumers want your company to be environmentally sustainable. 70% of consumers will move their purchases/loyalty when they find an environmentally sustainable company. 66% of potential employees do not want to work for companies that are not environmentally sustainable. These are compelling reasons for a company to put a sign up, saying “We’re sustainable!” [...]

2022-05-11T17:07:58-04:00May 11th, 2022|

ESG is going Mainstream and will Dominate for Decades

Per this article, the world's largest sovereign-wealth fund, with $1.3 Trillion in assets, believes ESG is going mainstream and will dominate investment decisions and corporate operational decision-making for decades.  New ESG guidelines the Fund may pursue could cause 2,200 companies, roughly 25% of the Fund's portfolio, to be cut, due to lack of ESG compliance. [...]

2022-04-26T18:41:47-04:00May 5th, 2022|

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